Monday, 13 December 2010

NZ beer trip - cycling West Coast

Thursday 18 November, Punakaiki
Beer crisis! It turns out our motel is dry! This after a long hilly ride then ace descent in warm air to beach. So had quick pint of DB Export Lager in pub, walked back up hill carrying bottle of Monteith's Black, only to find our guides (well done Kate and Lofty) had got in some Budweisers. Barbecue, but indoors because of the dreaded sand flies. Scenery spectacular. Score: Trip days 14 Beers drunk 21

Friday 19 November, Fox Glacier
Longish flattish ride (good for me) to chilly Fox. Saw a Kiwi (in captivity, but there we go) in afternoon. Soon found yet another good pub, for a Monteith's Celtic Red. Score: Trip days 15 Beers drunk 22

Saturday 20 November, Haast
Haast was a revelation, reached after an almighty hill and an endless trudge into the wind (how come the wind was always against?!). Suddenly one crossed a bridge over a vast sunlit estuary, to a huge flat space surrounded by snow-capped mountains. So tired (and last, of course), I sunk into bar with pint of Speight's Distinction, just glorying in hills. Utterly fab, view and beer. Forgot to change for dinner.... Distinction bears some resemblance to London Pride, fruity, full bodied. A nice symmetry. Pride upside down? Also a Monteith's Old Ale on draught. Score: Trip days 16 Beers drunk 23

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