Monday, 13 December 2010

NZ beer trip - rail trail and the great pass

Friday 26 November, Danseys Pass
After breakfast we set off on a roundabout route to attack the Southern Otago Rail Trail, starting just beyond Clyde and ending - for us today - at Wedderburn (not quite that far for me). Unlike most Brit trails, the surface is thick gravel, the end result feeling like riding uphill on Chesil Beach in a heatwave - went to a tin shack dunny and almost boiled myself! However, the night at Dansey's Pass, middle of nowhere, was great - a Monteith's Summer Ale (5%) did the trick, 'enlivening' as it says on the label. A good night had etc etc. Score: Trip days 22 Beers drunk 32

Saturday 27 November, Oamaru
One last great climb, over Dansey's Pass - pushed my way up and slithered down the gravelly hills, tho my dirt track riding technique has definitely improved. Then another two hills.... And finally Oamaru, back on the east coast, where we found a fine pub to enjoy draught ales, Harrington's Rogue Hop (a 5% pilsner) and Harrington's Clydesdale Stout. And then end-of-trip dinner, about which of course I remember very little. Score: Trip days 23 Beers drunk 34

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